10th Part
a)A male child of one year weighs 4.7 kg as against the normal of 9.5 kg. The child is suffering from ......... form of PEM.
A Severe (i.e.4.7*100/ 9.5 = 49.5% which is less than 50% of the normal weight for age.)
b) A child who has extensive wasting of muscle is suffering from ........
A marasmus
c) In the case of PEM, subclinical forms can be identified by using.
A body-weight
d) ........................is the condition characterized by sagging cheeks and puffy face.
A moon face
e) .....................................is. the condition, where external medical examination may not show any sign of the disease.
A subclinical forms
Q List 3 measures which you would like to adopt to prevent PEM in a village community.
A a) Improve maternal nutrition by ensuring adequate intake of energy-rich foods by pregnant women to increase the birth weight of their offsprings.
b) Breastfeed the child as long as possible.
c) Introducing supplementary food in addition to breast milk by the age of 6 months.
d) Children should be fed 5-6 times a day.
e) Prompt treatment of minor ailments like diarrhoea and respiratory infection.
f) Immunization of children against diseases.
Q List the main causes of PEM in infants.
A Poverty, Maternal malnutrition, Infections, and poor hygiene. Ignorance, Wrong child feeding practices.
a) Xerophthalmia is due to the deficiency of. .........................in the diet.
A vitamin A
b Conjunctival xerosis means ................... of the conjunctiva.
A dryness
c) The most dangerous consequence of xerophthalmia is irreversible....…
A blindness
d) Dry, foamy, triangular spots appearing on the conjunctiva are called.. .....…
A bitot spots
Q The clinical features of xerophthalmia relating to the cornea are:
A Corneal xerosis, corneal ulceration, and keratomalacia.
Q List the main causes of xerophthalmia in India.
A a) Maternal malnutrition
b) Deficiency of vitamin A in the diets
c) Infections like diarrhoea, measles, and. respiratory infections
d) Infestations like roundworm disease
e) Ignorance leading to avoidance of vitamin A-rich foods
Q What advice will you give to a mother of a preschool child in a village to prevent xerophthalmia?
A # Give daily one of the inexpensive local foods like green leafy vegetables, carrots, yellow pumpkin, papaya, or mango.
# Provide a massive oral dose of Vitamin A (200,000 IU) once every six months.
Q List the population groups at risk of developing anemia.
A Pregnant women, lactating women, children under the age of five years, and women in the reproductive age group.
Q Fill in the blanks :
a) Ninety-five percent of anemia in India is due to. ..................deficiency.
A Iron
b) Anaemia arises when the transport of ...................by the blood is insufficient to meet the needs of the body.
A Oxygen
c) In pregnant women, the hemoglobin level below ...................in the blood is considered as anaemia.
A 11 g per 100ml
d) Milk is a ...................source of iron.
A poor
Q Match the following :
a) Intrinsic factor ' i) B12
b) Absorption of iron ii) Animal foods
c) Common salt iii) Fortification
d) Iron iv) Folic acid
Q Which are the areas in India where iodine deficiency has been prevalent for years
A Sub Himalayan belt extending from Jammu & Kashmir in the north to Nagaland in east
Q List the methods of control of iodine deficiency disorders.
A Iodization of salt is the simplest method. In remote areas intramuscular injections of iodized oil can protect the community for 3-5 years against IDD or sodium/potassium iodide tablet can also be given.
Q Fill in the blanks :
a) Iodine is required for the formation of .................hormone.
A thyroxine
b) We require ....................ug of iodine per day.
A 150
c) Substances which interfere with the utilization of iodine by the thyroid gland are called.. ......................…
A goitrogens
d) The most suitable method for control of iodine deficiency in India is the use of. .......
A (iodized salt)
e) ..........................and ...........................are the most easily recognized forms of IDD.
A Goitre, cretinism
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