Monday 26 August 2019

FST -1

15th Part

Q.  Draw a well - labeled diagram of a neuron. 
Q.  Arrange the following steps in sequence to arrive at a simple reflex : 
(a) Impulse travels in motor nerve fibre.
(b) Impulse travels in sensory nerve fibre.
(c) Effector organ is stimulated.
(d) Receptor organ is stimulated.
(e) Impulse crosses the synapse. 

A. 1.  Receptor organ is stimulated
2.  Impulse travels in sensory nerve fibre
3.  Impulse crosses the synapse
4.  Impulse travels in motor nerve fibre
5.  Effector organ is stimulated

Q.  Describe in brief the structural components of the central nervous system.     
A. The central nervous system (CNS for short) comprises of the brain and the spinal cord

Brain - The centerpiece of the nervous system is the brain which is unlike any other organ of the body, as it alone can receive, handle and analyze information and issue necessary commands. The human brain containing billions of neurons with their axons and dendrites and it is extremely well protected by three tough membranes and floats in a special fluid which helps to absorb shocks. The whole organ is then enclosed In a bony skull. The brain is very well supplied with oxygen, which is carried by the blood. In fact, 75% of the body requirement of oxygen is used by the brain. The major regions of the brain are fore-brain, midbrain &d hind-brain. 
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord extends downward from the brain stem through the protecting bony rings called vertebrae down the center of the backbone, to the bottom of the back. Its core is H-shaped in cross-section and is composed of several kinds of neurons. The surrounding matter is mostly long cables of axon fibers. The cord, too, is covered like the brain with three membranes and contains fluid between the membranes.
             There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves, that branch off from the spinal cord throughout its length, between the bones of the spine. These nerves carry sensory signals up to the brain and motor signals down from the brain to various parts of the body.

Q.  State and explain the ways by which communication media can help minimize inequalities in society.              
A.  A high percentage of the population in our society is not able to get proper food, clean drinking water, adequate shelter, health care and clothing hence all means of communication should be used for economic development, i.e., to increase production and national income and to improve the living standard of the people,
particularly those sections which are under-privileged. The role of media is to inform, educate as well as entertain with a view to creating awareness among the people about the nation's potential for development and its problems, widening their horizon, and soliciting their participation in the implementation of the policies,
plans and programmes of the government for bringing about the economic development and social change, achieving national security and promoting national integration. It is necessary to accelerate development in industry, agriculture,
etc., through the exploitation of the national resources in a manner that the benefits go to people as a whole: and not only to further enrich those who are already affluent. 
Political role
Social role

Q.  How does modern information technology affect the lifestyle of individuals and society?                        
A.  #  Receiving and conveying information which may be facts, messages or opinions; this may take place in discourses, debates or discussions.
Motivating a person receiving the message, whether through an individual or through a medium of mass communication like radio, television, newspapers /journals, books or films, towards a course of action. This can extend from adopting a method of family planning, changing one's food habits, to working for a social or political cause.
Providing education and culture; from a classroom situation where knowledge and skills may be imparted, to the dissemination of cultural heritage and values as well as cultivation of artistic interests.
Entertaining, whether for personal or collective enjoyment through public music, drama or sports.
Influencing opinion to serve certain economic or political interests.
          The individual is better informed about his rights and privileges and opportunities that are available. For example, 'Employment News' publishes about job opportunities. Better information about health care on radio & TV. High profile advertising is affecting the lifestyles of rural and urban populations, creating demands on their home economy which might be difficult to meet.

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